Dispense prodotte dagli esperti
Introduction to Deforestation
Definition, causes, effects, importance of vegetation. Analysis of the European contest.
The International Convention on Desertification
Over 110 governments have signed the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. This Convention aims to promote effective action through innovative local programs and supportive international partnerships.
Waste and material resources
General issues about material consumption and waste production in the European contest.
Landfill of Waste
Some information about the European Directive on the landfill of waste.
Climate change impacts of options for municipal solid waste (MSW) management in the EU
This document is the final report of a study undertaken for the European Commission Environment Directorate General by AEA Technology. The study covers the fifteen member states of the European Union and the time horizon 2000 to 2020.
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
Use of terms, Objective, Principles, General obligations, Obligations of affected country Parties, Obligations of developed country Parties, Priority for Africa, Relationship with other conventions, Basic approach, National action programmes, Subregional and regional action programmes, International cooperation, Information collection, analysis and exchange, Research and development, Transfer, acquisition, adaptation and development of technology, Capacity building, education and public awareness.
Packaging and packaging waste: The LAW
The European Union is seeking to harmonise national measures concerning the management of packaging and packaging waste to provide a high level of environmental protection and ensure the functioning of the internal market.
Plastics recycling information sheet
Uses of plastic, Types of plastic, Benefits of plastics, Why bother? Hows, whats and wheres of recycling plastic, Degradable and bio-plastics, Plastics waste collection systems, What does the law say? What you can do, Useful publications, Useful contacts.
The Mediterranean area: Towards a Sustainable/Strategic Management of Water Resources: Evaluation of Present Policies and Orientations for the Future
This study was jointly carried out by the European Commission’s General Directorate XVI (Regional policy and Cohesion) and the Institute For Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) of the EC’s Joint Research Centre.
Changing Natural Systems
This section presents an overview of the state of water resources and ecosystems and explores current assessment techniques and approaches to Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).
The Environmental and Social Importance of Ecosystems
A short summary on Aquatic Ecosystem status and related social issues.